Being a celebrant gives the opportunity to fall down many rabbit holes when researching, readings, music, customs and rituals. I love learning about it all. It is just great as it gives me more ideas about how I can make your day the best it can be. I have been looking at some of my favourite superstitions, some I had heard of, but some are new to me, I hope you find one you have never heard of before.

So, one of the most famous superstations is in the rhyme: "Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue" - but what do you thing it means. Well, “something old" is to represent the past. The “something new” denotes the couple's happy future. The "something borrowed" should be given by someone happily married in the hope that some of that couple’s good fortune will rub off. Finally, “something blue” symbolises fidelity and love.

I cried on my wedding day, but I did not know then that it was good luck. It is said that by doing this you will have shed all of your tears and will not have any to shed any during the marriage.

On the morning of your special day, you will get up and look out of the window. You are hoping for blue skies, but no, it is raining. Well do not fear as some cultures believe that rain on your wedding day symbolises fertility and cleansing, so "every cloud".

Now I was not carried over the threshold for a number of reasons, which I need not go into here, but this superstition started life in the Middle Ages, when they believed that the bride was extremely vulnerable to evil spirits which would enter through her feet. So, to avoid any evil spirits the bride was carried over the threshold.

I know many people who would be petrified to find a spider on their wedding day, but English lore claims that it is a good omen.

In Hindu culture the date of the wedding is very important and they will often let the stars and planets decide the when and where, using their Zodiac signs to settle on a lucky date to ensure a prosperous marriage.

So, you have come to your first dance. Well, in Irish Folklore it is said that the bride must keep one foot on the floor at all times, otherwise the evil fairies will sweep her away. That must look amazing when you have two brides.

Who does not like a sugar cube? Well, according to Greek culture placing a sugar cube on the bride will sweeten the marriage.

To keep evil spirits away in Armenia, the couple enter the reception and break a plate for good luck. They are given lavash flatbread and honey by the groom's mother. They then balance the lavash on their shoulders to ward off evil spirits and eat lavish spoonfuls of honey to denote happiness.

Who does not want to wear a crown on their wedding day? Well, in Norway the bride does and it is adorned with small charms that dangle around it. When she moves the tinkling sound is said to ward away evil spirits.

I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I did when doing the research.


Much Love Jules x

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